Wednesday 9 January 2013

❤case compare dan complain❤


i don't really remember where i saw this, but a while ago, i macam ternampak (again i forgot where) a group of girls comparing themselves with random people.
"cantik nya maria selena gomez (pun boleehhh).. untung lah.. dah la boipren asbieber (pun boleeehhhh)"

"untunglah husband hot"

"untunglah dia kaya"

"untunglah ni.. untunglah tu.."

- these are only examples ok! =p

so back then when i saw these kinds of comments, it's like.. men-downkan i.
i lak yang down! padahal diorang duk sibuk nakkan apa orang lain ada. motif kan?
but see, i rasa sedih tu, sebab we shouldn't compare.

rezeki diorang camtu, nak buat camane?
so what if we don't have their rezeki. we're all blessed anyway!!
we can read right? else you won't be reading this.
we can see right?
we can eat, taste, drink, talk, we can do so many things!
whereas there are people who are less fortunate than us. some can't see, some can't hear, some don't even know what internet is!

we are blessed.
we are fortunate enough.

it's time to stop comparing and complaining. i've made a video already about it kan? 'who wins' tu.
and here, i nak relate kan ngan bloggers. (and i'm sorry i bring this up)
a few times some people tag me on their blog posts, and some posts are about the number of followers on blogs. pastu duk compare compare. honestly, i rasa itu tak perlu.

anyway, when you compare, chances are; you'll become competitive for no good reason, you'll forget the rezeki that you already have, you'll become spoil in your own world, wanting and craving for something only you know, and because you can't get it, you'll get depressed. and when depression looms, negativity will become part of you.
when you complain, you're just wasting your time! lagi lagi when you complain and do nothing about it.
you can compare and complain, but there has to be a limit..

and we can't wish we're someone else or live someone else's life because it's not possible.
someone once said to me
"susah tau jadi i.." pastu ada sadface.
and i thought, well, it's never easy for anyone.

Allah swt has given us life, the life we're living, and is it 'nice' of us if we wished we can have another person's life?

be grateful. that's all it takes.
not confidence, not arrogance, not make up, not clothes.
nothing of the sort.

just be grateful.
maybe it's time to stop all this 'untunglah' thing. kita lebihkan 'alhamdulillah'. =)

if you really cannot get through the toughness in your life, you can't stop wanting something you don't have,
then here, let the words from Allah SWT guide you:

                                                                        Surah Al-Baqarah 

and so much more =')
life is amazing! we are all amazing!
it'll be a waste if you can't see how amazing it is (because you're too busy comparing and complaining =p)!

if you can, take some time in a day to read the Quran. =)
insyallah you'll learn new things everyday. and together, we share la ya!

حي على الفلاح
"hayya alal falah"
marilah ke arah kejayaan.

ps: sorry if i offended anyone. just want to give a friendly reminder =) sometimes we need that right! ahak!

❤airmata dibalik SENYUMAN❤

♥♥ ♥♥

Ada airmata dibalik SENYUMAN,
Ada kasih sayang disetiap Amarah.

Ada pengorbanan disetiap KETIDAKPEDULIAN,
Ada harapan dibalik setiap KESAKITAN,
Ada kekecewaan disetiap derai tawa.

Ingat, kita bukan satu satunya manusia dengan segudang masalah..

Kerana senyum mampu membasuh setiap luka.

Kerana maaf mampu menyembuhkan semua rasa sakit.

Hanya ada ALLAH tempat segalanya bermuara,
KepadaNya kita berserah atas segala pinta.

♥♥ ♥♥

❤Semoga ALLAH memberikan kita yang TERBAIK❤

Jika ALLAH tidak memberimu seseorang yang kamu impikan..
Semoga Dia menghadirkan seseorang yang mengimpikanmu..

Bila ALLAH tidak memberimu seseorang yang kamu rindukan..
Semoga Dia menghadirkan seseorang yang merindukanmu...

Bila ALLAH tidak memberimu seseorang yang kamu dambakan..
Semoga Dia memberimu seseorang yang mendambakanmu...

Bila ALLAH tidak menyatukanmu dengan seseorang yang kamu cintai..
Semoga Dia menghadirkan seseorang yang mencintaimu setulus hati...

Yang bukan HANYA, kerana apa yg ada padamu....
Tetapi apa adanya dirimu....

Semoga ALLAH memberikan kita yang TERBAIK...
Dengan segala keindahan hati & manis ketakwaannya... 

Sexy Red Lips


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