Monday 8 July 2013


Muslims who do not engage, condone, or support extremism, violence, or aggression should stop publicly condemning, being apologetic, emphasizing that terrorism is not Islam and that they do not condone or agree with such actions, etc, etc. You are guilty of nothing. Your faith is guilty of nothing. We are demonized and criticized enough. I, for one, will not act like an apologist and "defend" my faith. I will not cater to the ignorant. Let the media pick away at us all they wish. Let the ignorant and simple-minded be willfully blind and prejudice. All that I will say is, "I am Muslim." Nothing more, nothing less. Let the ignorant curse, slander, insult, and ostracize. I will not explain anything, apologize for anything, or elaborate on anything. All I will say is, "Yes, I am Muslim. And I am going to keep being Muslim."


Adoiiiiii..da lama aku x update blog ny..da blapukkkk,berhabukkkkk,berkepok2 dahhh..hoho..Al-maklum la student..busy la katakan....busy lah sgtttttt padahal "malas nk menaip"..haha..tapi memang busy ponnn..last sem assignment berkepok2 kott datang..penat yang,bila nk update blog kannn..aku ni bukannya boley buat sume benda dalam 1 masa..mesej2 dr kawan2 ponn ad yg x sempat nak reply..nak cakap busy yg teramat laa..huhuhu..lagi 1,,aku ponn x taw nk post ap kt blog buat aku buat..saje laaa..bab kata org nk "up 2 date" sket...skg kann dunia da maju...apa pon x boley @_@..hahaha..last aku update blog ny ponn x taw laaa bile..aku ponn lupe..ish3..terok3..biasa laa kannn..bab kata Dr.M "melayu muda lupe"..arghhh 2 sume x penting..apa aku nak kesah...#now da sem break..lega la sket..boley relax kejap..relax la sgttt..duk uma aku kena jadi BABYSITTER..adoiiii penat jaga budak2 x perr ad income x jadi masalah bg aku..baru masyukkkkkk..hahaha..lepas topup ponn jadi la kannnn..haha..mata duitan betul..tapi...aku bukan kaki kikis taw..ehh apesal masuk psal kaki kikis pulakk ny??haaa,,tgk...aku ponn x taw ap benda aku tulis ny..gatal tangan nk menaip cm ny la gayanye..hoho..relax,,relax,,..huh,aku tengok blog aku ny ponn membosankan jerrr..tgk org lain bez jerr blog2,boley buat duit lg 2..bagus laa korang..tabik springggg aku..aku pnye blog simple gilerrr..coz 2 x de follower..nk taw sbb ap x de follower??sebab aku bukan giler glamour macam korang..huahuahua..ehh terasa ke??nk terasa amik p la ea..huahuahua..tapi x pe la kannn,,xde tmpat nk luah perasaan blog ni la yg jd mangsa aku..berguna jugak engkau erkk..kikikikiki..ape ponnn aku nak ucapkan SALAM RAMADHAN to all my frenz yg mengenali dri ini..yang x kenal tuuu,buat2 kenal la "syok sendiri" je aku ny..macam la ad org baca entry ny..haha..jgn cakap aku gila pullakkk..aku sihat lagi ok..juz nak update jerr coz da lama sangat tinggal rasanye..okeyy la uollsss..itu sahaja buat ary ini yerrr..kbai,,,moga ketemu lagi kita di entry yang akan datang..:-)bajet jerrr...wakakaka
Sexy Red Lips


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